man researching driving schools on laptop

It’s important to do some baseline research when choosing what Private Driver Training School to go with. To be legally considered a Private Driving Training School in Pennsylvania, the business, along with all its Driver’s Education Instructors, must be certified or licensed with the PA Department of Education (PDE). It’s unfortunate, but many driving schools in Pennsylvania are not licensed with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. When considering a Driving School for you or your children, it’s crucial to go with one that has the documented driving experience and proper certifications. Knowing your child is getting Driver’s Education from a certified/licensed Driver’s Education Instructor who can teach them the latest state-sanctioned rules of the road can make all the difference in their safety.

Here Are Some Considerations When Researching Private Driving Schools In Philadelphia & Bucks County

State Licensing and Legal Compliance

Ensure the School and its Instructors are licensed with the state (e.g., the Pennsylvania Department of Education) and are complying with state laws. All Licenses and Registrations through the PDE require annual renewals which means they expire yearly unless the renewal is granted. Look to the PA Department of Education’s website for a full list of licensed driving schools in your area! Please note that the School license is separate from the Instructor’s license and the Driver’s Education Vehicle registration, ask to see both.

Valid Private Driver Training School Licenses are required to be displayed at their business location(s).

Driver’s Education Instructors are required to show you their Instructor License upon being asked, they should be valid; not expired.
Driver’s Education Vehicle registrations are required to be displayed in each vehicle, they should be valid; not expired.

Instructor Qualifications

Verify that the Instructor is certified/licensed through the PA Department of Education. Certified/licensed Instructors have passed driving and written exams, the necessary teaching credentials and experience to provide Driver’s Education. Additionally certified/licensed Instructors with valid licenses have clear/current criminal and background checks. Driver’s Education Instructors are required to show you their Instructor License upon being asked.

Reputation and Credibility

Research the School’s reputation and read reviews or news reports about their compliance and service quality.

Safety and Training Quality

Assess the focus on safety and the quality of training provided, ensuring that the School employs properly certified/licensed Instructors.

Regulatory Actions

Look for any past or present legal or regulatory actions taken against the School.

Up-to-Date Information

Confirm that the School’s details on official state websites or listings are current and accurate.

Contact John’s Driving School, A PA Certified Driving School With Any Questions Related to Driving School Licensing!